
by Speedx Technologies



Jito1 operates skill-based competitions powered by SPEEDX TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED with a huge range of products like electronics, watches, mobile phones, gold coins, cars and bikes. With these terms and conditions at selected showrooms, petrol bunks and retail locations and events on websites [Jito1.com](http://Jito1.com/) the competition is open to all persons over the person age of 18.How to Play*Jito1* is online competition app where you can show your skills and judgement to place the missing ball from the original image that contains the ball. The images are picked by our Jito1 experts from the past cricket match. We conducts events such as free games which is daily, mid week, weekly, day 11, Mid month, monthly and lifestyle. Every draw is guaranteed by Jito1 and the winners will be announced in our app. The image contains pixels with X,Y co-ordinates the individual who places nearest end of the day, end of the week and end of the month. Our system accurate the center of the ball with X,Y co-ordinates the individual who has placed nearest wins the competition.